NS 2021/22 Shinnenkai at Alex Sushi's special basement private room, January 18 2022 Cort Adelersgate 2, Oslo
Register here: https://forms.gle/6EY3vAQ2xrw5yxyE7
We are looking forward to welcoming you there!
Members: 425 kr (Registration and payment must be made by 11 January 2022)
Non-Members: 500 kr (Registration and payment must be made by 11 January 2022)
For a special three course party menu and some surprise!
Time: 18:00-21:00 or later
Registration by way of confirmed payment will close on 11 January at 23:00
Payment: Kindly transfer the fee to 1609.04.42094 or Vipps (The Japan Norway Society) until 11th Janaury, and mark the payment 'Shinnenkai'.